Moments You Experience When You’re RICH – Part I


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Perks of Being Rich, here are the Moments you Experience when you’re Rich!

It’s always great to have you back with us, especially today when we’re pulling the curtains to show some of what’s going on in the life of the rich.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a much better understanding of what financial stability is like and how rich people are navigating their daily lives. We’ll present a series of moments and events that the average person doesn’t get to experience, but maybe they should… As you know, sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference.

If you’re one of those who would rather watch visuals over text, here’s the whole article covered for you in the form of a video:

With that checked out, here are 15 moments you experience when you’re rich!


1. You No Longer Keep Tabs On The Money People Owe You



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You know how you are constantly aware of how much money people owe you? Well, rich people don’t know, because frankly, the lack of that particular amount isn’t life altering.

Rich people just assume you’re a decent person and that whatever debt there is it will be repaid if it hasn’t already. Nobody wants to be surrounded by leeches, but figuring out who they are can be quite difficult, so this is a rather simple way of figuring out who’s who. The cost of riding yourself of freeloaders is worth it.


2. You No Longer Drive, Unless It’s For Pleasure


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We are all part of the general traffic, but while you’re getting frustrated with your foot on the gas barely moving a couple of inches per minute, the rich in the back on their phones and laptops getting work done.

Chauffeuring is something quite common, because it frees up time for transit. This is the same reason why the rich take helicopter rides to the airport and then fly private. The only reason you should drive is if it is for personal pleasure.


3. Going To Events Feels More Like Work Than a Night Out


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You know how normal people complain that they don’t go out enough, or they never go to fancy events? There’s a dark side to these as well. Women are mean, men are boring, the food starts to taste the same and everyone wants money from you.

These events are meant for networking, to make small talk with other rich people while gossiping about who did what with who. Some nights you don’t feel like socializing, but it becomes this weird thing where you have to show up and put on a smile so everybody thinks you’re doing incredible.


4. You Care More About The View From a Property Than The Price


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If you’re buying for yourself and not as another cash flow investment, priorities shift. You can always buy more space, but you can’t always buy a better view.

Normal people judge a property price by square foot or square meter, but fail to take into account the view from the entire apartment, if it has a terrace, if you’re getting the sunset or sunrise when you look out the window. If you’re going to live in a place, you’ll look out the window daily, so it might be smart to remember this for the next time you move.


5. You’re Glad You’re Going into More Debt


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We remember when a friend took us out for drinks to celebrate. When asked what we were celebrating, he said: “Going 5M dollars in debt!” and we all cheered to it. He just secured bank financing on a property development deal that when finished will make him millions.

This is the total opposite of everyone living a normal life because most people actually struggle to get out of debt and not trying to get in more of it. Numerous times the community has reached out with questions about how to get out of debt and it always depends on the person.

Our go to recommendation is to pick up by Dave Ramsey and go through it 2 or 3 times until you really grasp the gist of it and then put it into practice. Even better, because you’re already in debt and we don’t want you to spend the money you don’t have.


See also: Part II

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