A Guide That Make You Rich & Life Easier – Part IV

10. The Golden Rule


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This has been the most valuable piece of advice the world has ever come up with. It’s the foundation of almost every religion out there and is the solid foundation of being a decent human being.


The golden rule is: – say it with me:

“Do unto others what you would want them do unto you.”

Treat other people the way you want to be treated; Love your neighbour as yourself; what is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow etc. In whatever variation you want to, the idea is the same. Treat others nicely and just don’t be a stupid.

The golden rule is also great resource to build up good karma. Help others and people will help you back. If you’re feeling stuck in life, maybe you start by helping others and who knows where this will lead you.

“This ties well with our next rule.”


11. The Money = Time Rule


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You’ve probably heard the saying time is money more times than you can remember. But here’s a little trick we’ve learned which will help you figure out if something is worth buying or not. We found that it works incredibly well for people who want to stick to a budget every month.

Here’s how it works:

“Think of money in terms of hours.”


You make $10/hour and want to buy that $150 coat?

Is that coat really worth 15 hours of work?

By breaking down the price of something in work hours you value things differently. You know how hard you work for your money and this way you can better understand the expense your making. Is it worth spending a week’s of your work-life to get that new outfit? Is this holiday really worth the 3 months of working it took to get the money?

You’ll find that some things no longer make sense while others are an obvious YES.

It’s up to you to figure out how much you earn per hour or day and then factor that in every time you make a purchase.


12. The ODD time rule


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If you have friends who are never on time, this is the rule for you. We’ve been testing this in our friend group on a particular person who was always late and by a lot, like more than 30 minutes late. So late that at one point we started lying to him about what time we were about to hang out and factoring in his 45 minutes of usual tardiness.

Then we found out about this weird rule some people use to set meetings.

If you schedule a meeting for 3:47 instead of 4 o clock, the likelihood of people being late to the reference hour drops significantly. And make sure everybody knows the meeting will start at 3:47. If you do begin to start your meetings at these odd times, people pay more attention to the exact time they need to be there.

Give it a try and see what happens.


See also: Part V

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