A Guide That Make You Rich & Life Easier – Part V


13. The 10,000 hours rule


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This one was popularized by one of our favourite writers, Malcolm Gladwell. In his book Outliers, the author explains that in order to master anything you need to put at least 10,000-Hour towards it.

The 10,000 hours rule is considered the key to success in any field, it is simply a matter of practicing a specific task that can usually be accomplished with 20 hours of work a week for 10 years.

“It doesn’t matter when you start, or how old you are. Put the 10,000 hours into something and you’ll become an expert in that field.”

Some of the best performers in the world base their results to this rule. Now think about what your THING is, what you consider yourself good at. How much time have you put towards your craft or skill? Do the math and then you can figure out how much more you have to invest in order to master it.


14. The Stay poor – Be rich rule


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This is something we came up and have used this personally and with our friends circle. Here’s what we figured out:

The more time a person is willing to live like they’re poor despite not having to, the richer they become. Sorry we don’t have a shorter version, but bear with us.

The main difference between those who will keep on being rich and those who lose wealth is their ability to control their lifestyle spending. We’ve seen people make a lot of money, blow through most of it and then get back to where they started.


We know it’s been hard and you’ve just started seeing progress with your business or venture, but don’t go and blow through the money. Don’t buy an expensive car, don’t buy the expensive home. Instead, keep your head down, pretend the money is not there and invest it.

Putting this money to work for you will be a lot more valuable to your lifestyle than spending it right now. It’s similar to the concept of delayed gratification, but for rich people and entrepreneurs.


15. The Coin Rule


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We’ve been using this since before organization is established. It’s not what you think. You don’t decide your fate by flipping a coin, that’s what stupid people do. Instead, you look within yourself. Our version of the coin rule goes like this.

If you need to make an important decision, you will flip a coin of it. But the thing is, you don’t really care about the outcome. In those few seconds while the coin is in the air, your gut tells you what you’re actually wishing for the outcome to be. Then pursue that.

Why would you let any big choice to chance when you already know what you want to do deep within yourself…

Hopefully you’ve found this article valuable and took notes as we suggested. Which rule did you find the most interesting and will use in the future? Let us know in the comments. You might not be aware of this, but we read a large portion of the comments that come our way. We study what you guys think, what your reactions are to the content we put out to figure out how we can improve.


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