

Are you a natural leader, one able to command respect and have people follow your advice? Are you able to lead others to greater heights or away from problems? In any society, a leader is valued, because we all need some guidance every so often.

What is leadership?

Leadership is effectively managing limited and existing human resources to achieve a goal, using effective communication, supervision, and inspiration.

How to be a leader

Being a leader can be fun. You have a team that you are responsible for, you can delegate tasks to them, and they look up to you. But it is also a lot of responsibility. It is not to be taken lightly. A good leader knows that the team’s welfare is in her hands and is truly respectful of the differences in the team. If you are the team leader, you must work hard to make sure that the team comes together well, that they are comfortable with the project at hand, and that they understand what is required from them.

You will also ensure that the team knows you are working with them and not against them. You will need to spend time with them, get to know them, build a rapport with them, and help them build a rapport with each other. You should be available for them to approach with their problems.

Elements of leadership

  • Communication is key to being a good leader. Surely, you have met managers and bosses that do not communicate with their teams about what is expected but want the team to perform well? This is not a good way to be a team leader because without communication, you are leaving others in the dark. It is always good to have at least one meeting with the team at the beginning to explain what the project is, what is expected, and who is responsible for what actions.
  • It is even better to consistently touch base, so that the team can raise any issues they may be facing and find solutions to them as well as to update the others on what they have accomplished.
  • Without communication, the team will flounder and the project will fail. A good leader will ensure that her team is on the same page and that any issues are resolved as early as possible and that accomplishments are appreciated.
  • A leader must also be honest in his dealings with those he is responsible for. If he does not have integrity or is not honest about the project, he will lose the respect of the team and that might, in some instances, cause the project to fail.
  • A leader must also have great relationship building skills because he or she is responsible for maintaining a good and effective team. If the team does not work well or if they feel that the leader does not care about them, they will not work. The leader must have an individual, cordial relationship with all team members. This will boost morale and help the team come together.
  • It is also important for the team leader to have empathy, respect, and patience. Conditions can get tough in the work environment and tempers can flare. It is up to the team leader to make sure that everyone stays focused without any fights and ill-feeling.
  • The leader must also provide (positive) feedback to the team so as to keep them motivated. Feedback helps the team know they are on track and will push them to be more effective.
  • A leader should also be flexible. Not everything will go according to plan, so it is important to keep an open mind and stay flexible and adaptable so that sudden changes can be accommodated with the least possible disruption to the team.

A great leader is someone who can bring people together for a common goal and one who makes people feel like they are a valuable part of the team.

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