There are things you can’t control in Life! – IV


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In the last couple of years we realized that time has a way of accelerating as you get older which to be honest is kind of freaky. Time is beyond our control, but that just makes the playing field equal for everybody.

We all get the same 24h in a day and roughly the same amount of time to have the biggest impact. But because we all get it equally, most people neglect its value until it’s too late.

People waste time because they simply have too much of it and are not sure what to do with it, that’s how you end up binge-watching a TV-show which you aren’t even enjoying.

With wasting time, you are only building up regret and it all comes full circle when you’re in the last part of your existence. When people look back at how much time they wasted, how many things they wish they did, it’s sad to see people fall into mediocrity.


Your data

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At this point, we’re just feeding this beast we have created called the internet. No matter how many cookies you decline, how many ad blockers you use, if you want to participate in this new marketplace of information, ideas and content, you have to pay a price and that comes in the form of your data.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, these companies have made it their mission to understand who you are and how are you behaving.

Based on this data, humanity is evolving into something beyond human. The world is racing towards building its first strong A.I. and this is a type of progress we won’t be able to stop. You might want to be prepared for this when it happens.

If you want to do so, we strongly recommend you pick up the following books: Life 3.0, Homo Deus and Superintelligence.


The economy

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The way the economy works includes so many variables that you as a simple individual cannot control it and you should be aware of this. We’ve seen so many people getting wiped out in the 2008 crash, because the simply through the economy is just going to keep going up.

The fact that the economy as a whole is beyond your control should be something you worry about constantly. The only way to escape it, is by being smart about the way you position yourself, about how many streams of income you have and how diversified your livelihood is.

The last thing you want to do is be completely reliant on something you can’t predict or manage yourself.

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